Jubilee Honours for Paul Oestreicher

The APF sends its warmest congratulations to APF  Canon Dr. Paul Oestreicher, who has been awarded an OBE for his long years of work as a peace campaigner. Among his many peacemaking roles, Canon Paul is an APF Counsellor....

Fundraising for Young Peacemakers in Bujumbura, Burundi

APF are currently raising money to donate to an important Youth Peacemaking project in Bujumbura, Burundi. In recent years, the youth of Burundi have been cynically exploited as footsoldiers in political violence. This project aims to recruit youth leaders from...

APF Response to the Invasion of Ukraine

                                                                                                               The Anglican Pacifist Fellowship does not believe that war is ever a way to solve disputes between or within countries. Jesus taught us that we should love...