Latest Past Events
An Evening with Jim Forest
St Pancras Church Lancing Street, LondonReflecting on Thomas Merton, Dorothy Day and Daniel Berrigan. Pax Christi are hosting this event with Jim Forest. A writer, activist, co-founder of the Catholic Peace Fellowship in the United Stated, Jim knew, worked with and has written on Thomas Merton, Dorothy Day and Daniel Berrigan. Hosted by Pax Christi with the Thomas Merton Society of […]
Public Meeting Tour: Stop Bombing Yemen, Stop Arming Saudi
Public Meeting Tour: Stop Bombing Yemen, Stop Arming Saudi November 2018 - January 2019 across the UK The Saudi regime is one of the most brutal and authoritarian anywhere in the world. Its ruler Mohammed Bin Salman is implicated in the murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi in Turkey and has rounded up and tortured opponents […]
Hope in Conflict
The Alumni Auditorium The Forum, Streatham Campus, University of Exeter, exeterCan we find hope in times of conflict – personal, communal, international? EXPLORING CREATIVE APPROACHES TO PEACEMAKING Keynote Speaker - Pádraig Ó Tuama, Leader of the Corrymeela Community Rev. Simon Taylor, Baptist Chaplain, will chair. GROUP DISCUSSIONS JO BERRY, founder of charity Building Bridges for Peace, whose father died in the Brighton bombing; her dialogue with […]