Peace activist, and Nobel Prize winner Mairead Maguire  has begun a 40 day fast for the children of Gaza.

Mairead Maguire won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1976, along with Betty Williams for her work in founding Women for Peace, which worked to bring about peace in Northern Ireland. The organisation later became known as The Peace People.

In 2021, Mairead gave a reflection for St Patrick’s Day for APF’s March Monthly Prayers.

On Friday 21st March, Mairead Maguire issued the below statement, announcing the beginning of a 40 day fast for the children of Gaza and the world. The Irish News provides further details.

Mairead Maguire’s Statement

In Gaza this week over 400 innocent Palestinians, including 100 children have been killed overnight as Israel unilaterally ended the ceasefire deal without any warning. This continuing genocide and ethnic cleansing policy (of the rogue Israeli government,) of the Palestinian people is not only fully known by all the governments around the world but is supported by money, arms and silent complicity of many governments, particularly USA/Britain/European union Leaders. There is a propaganda war against the truth being told of the over 55 wars going on in the world in which millions of children are dying as a result of militarism and war. The Political leadership of Europe is now planning to increase defence spending of 2.5% so that they can continue to fund wars around the world. The rearmament of Europe and its nuclear weapons built on whipped up fear and enmity amongst people will lead to World war not peace and reconciliation amongst the human family.

What to do to save all our children from the madness of militarism and war? Each of us no matter where we live must raise our voices to say No, we will not allow these mad militarists or armed extremists to destroy any one’s children. Refuse to hate, refuse to kill each other and demand instead dialogue and negotiation. Today in Gaza, the policy of starvation of 2.5 million people, by Israeli policies, is continuing and it is killing the children, we see it and it is breaking our hearts!!!

As the children of Gaza are hungry and injured with bombs (an actually Israeli gov. policy) I have decided I too must be hungry with them, as I can in good conscience do no other. From today I will fast and pray, fast and pray that I in watching so much purposely imposed destruction of children, will not allow my own heart to be hardened against the killers of little children, but will stay ‘gentle’ and demand of our governments and armed militarists, STOP THE MADNESS OF POVERTY, CRUELTY, MILITARISM AND WAR.

In the season of Ramadan, and Lent, let us join In fasting and prayer, in solidarity for a world fit for all our children built on non-killing, peace and justice.  It is possible, and it starts with us teaching and living the science of peace not war.

Mairead Maguire Nobel peace laureate (2lst march, 2025)